Happy 2019 from Pit Vidura!

As January comes to a close, we’re looking forward to the rest of the new year and reflecting on our achievements from the last.

Top Achievements of 2018:

We purchased new equipment

Our favorite part of 2018 was getting a new exhauster truck! This was thanks to support from our friends through our Indiegogo campaign and our partners at the Gates Foundation.

We served our 1000th customer

To date, Pit Vidura has emptied over 1050 pits — that’s more than 10,000 bathtubs of pathogen containing waste removed from the urban environment.


We shared our technology with entrepreneurs in Malawi and Uganda

We were honored to host and co-facilitate, alongside WASTE, a regional peer-learning exchange with sanitation entrepreneurs from Malawi, Uganda, and Rwanda! We believe learning from each other is the most meaningful way to advance sanitation knowledge across Africa.

We shared our solutions with world leaders

We presented Pit Vidura’s work to two UN agencies in Geneva and our Director was invited to be on the Sustainable Cities panel at the World Economic Forum.

We expanded our partnerships and our team!

We were delighted to launch a new partnership with Unilever! This partnership has allowed us to expand our team and hire the best and brightest from Rwanda and beyond!

Looking Forward to an Even Better 2019!

We are proud of our successes over the last year, but recognize there is so much work to do. The growing and urgent need for sanitation services in rapidly expanding cities like Kigali compels us to think bigger and work harder this year. We’re building new partnerships, piloting new technology, listening to our customers, and looking to quickly to expand our capacity to serve those who need it most.

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to continuing to work towards our vision of safe, affordable, and hygienic sanitation services for all communities for many years to come!

Rachel Sklar